The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA) is a service that de-identifies and hosts a large archive of medical images related to cancer, which can be accessed by researchers. 

DICOM is the primary file format used by TCIA for radiology imaging.

Supporting data related to the images such as patient outcomes, treatment details, genomics, and expert analyses are also provided when available.



This dataset consists of a wide-ranging annotated Breast Cancer Digital Repository (BCDR). The database contains anonymized patient's cases annotated by expert radiologists containing clinical data, lesion outlines, and image-based features computed from Craniocaudal and Mediolateral oblique mammography image views.

Currently, two repositories are available for the public domain. Also, four benchmarking datasets representatives of benign and malignant lesions (biopsy-proven) comprising instances of clinical and image-based features are available for free download to registered users.



The Digital Database for Screening Mammography (DDSM) is a resource for use by the mammographic image analysis research community. 

The primary purpose of the database is to facilitate sound research in the development of computer algorithms to aid in screening. Secondary purposes of the database may include the development of algorithms to aid in the diagnosis and the development of teaching or training aids.

The database contains approximately 2,500 studies. Each study includes two images of each breast, along with some associated patient information



The Mammographic Image Analysis Society (MIAS) is an organization of UK research groups interested in the understanding of mammograms and has generated a database of digital mammograms.

Films taken from the UK National Breast Screening Programme have been digitized to 50-micron pixel edge. The database contains 322 digitized films and is available on 2.3GB 8mm (ExaByte) tape. It also includes radiologist's "truth"-markings on the locations of any abnormalities that may be present. The database has been reduced to a 200-micron pixel edge and padded/clipped so that all the images are 1024x1024.
